What's up? Well its happening, bit by bit, every day, in one form or another :) There are moments when you just want to raise your hands and say: I give up, who needs planning...But those are brief blimps of insanity! Just kidding - everyone has their own path, mine is to know where I'm going and how to get there, cos time is short and places worth to be seen plentiful; I am looking for that balance that will give me peace of mind from knowing and sense of adventure from not knowing too much.
A week to go and my backpack should be packed sensibly (mission: impossible), the only winter clothes on my actual self...isn't it kind of a 'grrr i want to bite my elbow' situation when you go from one climate to another...virtually an opposite. Its so hard to imagine we'll be sweating it like (nothing nice) over there! And here is trouble knocking at my door at 5 to 12 - flu season is almost in full swing, and there is a bit of a cough here and an occasional sniff there...and most worryingly of all, inner ear pains :( Trying to stay positive, + having some hot tea, honey and lemon cannot hurt :D sooo...fingers crossed!!